Your Greatest Enemy Lives Inside You

If asked, “who is your greatest enemy,” most will say, Satan, demons, etc…

These are great enemies, no doubt, but not our greatest enemy.

Your greatest enemy is inside you.

•Your old self

•The natural man

•The “You,” before regeneration, that still lingers until you die

(1Corinthians 2:14 and Romans 7)

The Bible refers to this enemy as: “The Flesh.”

I’ll give you an easy example. Your flesh has the ability to keep your mind on worldly, temporal things, and not notice the big picture of reality.

Are you in a trial right now?

If you answer, “No,” you’re not looking hard enough.

Maybe your bills are paid, you have a couple months safety net under your mattress, no health issues, and your family life is pretty smooth for right now.

But have you figured out how to completely separate from your flesh?

Are you able to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself?

If you answered, “Yes,” you need to be born again!

But for those of us that know that we fail in the flesh daily, there is a war currently happening in which we must pick up arms to fight in. There is a battle for truth going on all around us, and more personally, inside of our minds, that we must fight to win!

Do you want to wake up dead men to life? You must start with killing your old self.

We must be like Samuel, hacking king Agag to pieces, but our flesh is Agag. 1Samuel 15:33

You have an enemy living within you that desires at all times to pull you away from godliness. 100% of your day is spent with a battle for truth in your members (mind).

Until you breathe your last breath, your flesh will fight against the Holy Spirit non stop.

Your flesh is a relentless, maniacal, psychopath, that hates all of the things of Christ, with one motive: to take you to hell with him.

Your only hope is to:





The truth of God’s word is the only weapon you have in this fight, and if you aren’t a journeyman in the word, strive to get there fast; your eternal state, and the eternal state of those in your circle of influence is what is at stake.

Your alternative?

Be apathetic towards the things of God and just “hope” that He’s nice enough to let you into His Kingdom.

(Hint: He’s not and He won’t).

His justice is on the line. Romans 3:23-26

You are either, In Christ, or you will end up In Hell.

There is no middle ground.

He is “The Rock Of Offense.” 1 Peter 2

Choose this day whom you will serve…

Semper Reformanda (Always Reforming)